And here's (almost) the whole company. That's our director Richard Stafford seated centre and the man with the glasses is artistic director of TUTS Bruce Lumpkin. Amazing to think I got here a little over two weeks ago, it will all be finished next Sunday and I suspect I've made a couple of good friends along the way.
Certainly Margaret Robinson, our Guenevere, is very dear to me.
We've all lost our hearts to Sean Ewing. Although maybe not Michael Andrako who just looks alarmed.
Adam Shonkwiler is my new best friend. If he ever moves to California where his partner is living I will have to hide in his luggage.
Patricia Noonan (who likes to be called Noonan) looking, as always, like a movie star.
Alex Levin, Noonan, Margaret Robinson, Sheldon, John Williford
Except when we're serious. And I'm wearing clown shoes.
The Hunks of Camelot: (top) Sean Ewing, (from L) Alex levin, Mark Donaldson, Ian Parmenter and Preston Ames
Sean, Mark & Alex giving good pageant
First day of rehearsal. I'd never met any of these heavenly people.What a business we're in.
Next Sunday would have been your 2,000th performance in Priscilla!