The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Descent further into madness

We are not yet snowbound but already I can feel a loosening grasp. You see..while Sheldon is at work and given the appalling state of Canadian television  and my weakening reading ability  the need for creative outlets is enormous.  So I am embarking on a new tapestry project. I actually started and hated it so I pulled it out. I can assure you that pulling out tapestry wool is four times slower than putting it in.  Anyway after trying to draw out threads in reusable lengths I resorted to snipping savagely and yanking out pathetic tufts.  Vanity Fair was on my left and they all happened to land on The Goddess's face. And when I'd finished I looked at the cover and thought of death and worms and rot and the yawning maw of the grave. So I thought I'd share it with you all.  Lots more of tapestry to come and thoughts that accompany it.

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