The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Seer

tt again   I can't believe it. We don't post for a couple of days and we get messages asking if all is well. I think that is so wonderful!!!!! And thanks all for the support. More people are reading this waffle than I thought!  Actually I was  doing some writing and didn't go out much. Also saw some bad stuff and rather than write negative things I decided to resist commment
Well here are some shots of New York spring I took today while shopping for opening night jeans and things to make prezzies with for the "Priscilla" mob. (Ailsa... I got off my tired ass and found a divine rubber stamp shop!)
I wish I could have taken a photo of a beautiful young woman who was straight out of The New Yorker in 1923 wearing a flowered cloche, a short grey skirt and matching jacket being blown down 7th Ave or the man wearing a shawl of newspaper rosettes with a smile as wide as the sea.
West 12th

The little basement flat we used to pass when we lived on W 21st   Called in to see our wonderful La Casa concierge, Matthew, and he is doing more than fine..about to take his real estate licence exams and bring his wife and sons to the city from North Carolina

Madison Square from Broadway
So back into blog mode again folks. Love you all


  1. Thank God your bloggus interuptus is over!! I've missed your postings!! xxx

  2. HOORAYYYYYY!!!!! They're back! Very relieved to hear that you have got into some rubber stamping, TT, and I hope the bronchitis was healed by that amazing performance opportunity, Sheldy. Such days...and such descriptions...
    I was with a young actrine here in Melb the other day when she bought a flowered cloche and popped it onto her divine head. With her spindle legs and wide smile she looked like Daisy from Gatsby...
    Ah Delmonico's...I'm off to Chapel St. Not quite the same!
    Counting down now...Enjoy every second! xxxxxx
