The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


The prettiest little town on the banks of Lake Minnetonka, it was apparently built specifically as a tourist resort.
The Hotel Lafayette is the only one still standing.

And the amusement park disappeared in the early 70s
But really, who needs an amusement park?
The main street has smart shops such as the oil and vinegar tasting room

And a smart shop for dogs

We had corn beef and cabbage in an Irish pub
Then TT encountered "The Trolley"
and momentarily fell off his diet
We saw a movie at the local picture palace: THE HUNDRED FOOT JOURNEY which we adored.
Then it was on to a lovely party for the MY FAIR LADY company given by our beloved Molly Sue McDonald
3 Beauties: Ann Michels, Tony Vierling and Helen Anker
Jeff McCarthy and our esteemed director Joe Dowling
Michael Gruber with Molly's dog Kimba
Who wore ballet slippers for the occasion
Molly and Ann demonstrated their dual soprano trick of making the pup sing along with their vocalizing.
Kasono Mwanza and Joe Bigelow were a rapt audience.
A really lovely evening
Thank you, Molly Sue!

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