The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Holy Grail

This simple  item began a cross city trek.  I am sure that the grocery situation in our neck of the woods isn't as dire as it seems at the moment. In fact the little shop on the corner less than a hundred steps away would suffice should the rest of Toronto be swept away. But there are a few luxuries that require specialised shopping and the above is one of them. After internet appeals to goat farms across the world  I decided to trek out to Chester via two subway rides.  And at the Big Carrot Health Barn  I struck white.
The journey itself was interesting. As in New York there was little talking or interaction between riders but in New York the silence is louder. And  much more energetic.
I decided to return above ground via one of the city's very European style trolley cars and as I was gliding down Queen St East I had the distinct feeling I had been here before. Was it deja vu ..... a dream... and then it hit me ..the sort of run down sadness of the area..many dilapidated buildings and lots of people in need and waiting on corners or outside hostels or on food lines..... this was exactly like Oslo! We could have glid from one block to another in both cities and not notice the change one iota.
Once home a  further search on the web told me I can get goat milk at a closer venue. Two trolley rides eight blocks in the opposite direction. Should I go back to cow juice?

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