The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

last day in the rehearsal room

I dedicate this page to the makers of the furniture and props for "Earnest. Sheer works of art. These are created from a set of Funk and Wagnells.

Viv, our a.s.m. was given the task of creating muffins for the second act Tea Scene. She tried everything to please the director and the actors. She would come in each day with a little tray of product to be told,  " Too big..Too small...Too dry..Wrong shape etc. etc."  Finally a catering firm has been called in to provide the exact mini English muffin that can be swallowed whole or chucked about the stage with ease. We thank Viv for her splendid pre-trials.

Another frozen moment

We start teching tomorrow.  So that means we move into the Sumner Theatre up the road. First up is wigs and cozzies and then if they have solved a slight glitch with the set we go into the wee hours of Wednesday morning standing under lights and re-running bits. Techs are notorious for getting tired and hysterical so I will stay far away from Emily Barclay!!!
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