The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Friday, November 19, 2010


As you can see the front section of the cinema for the midnight prem of the latest Harry Potter was hardly packed. But who cares. It's stunning stunning stunning!! And there is a mini cartoon feature within the film, narrated by Emma Watson, of such beauty it is worth the price of admssion alone.  The film is full of shocks and genuinely terrifying moments.  If I'd seen this when I was eight I would have had to be institutionalised. Rupert Grint is still my favourite

 and I long to see what horrors await Imelda and Helena,,,the witches. Oh and Emma has the most blerdcoddling scream since Barbara Steele.  I shall be a bit sad after Part Two next year  tt

Mind you, we were on the escalator coming out and this Potter book fan was tearing it to sher-eds!  "Where was this character?" and "How dare they leave that bit out!"  Just as well I chucked the first book across the room after chapter 3.

Before the show I had a family size Kit Kat and Sheldon scoffed a box of popcorn and a cinnamon pretzel. We are so dehydrated that I am on my third cup of tea.

Looking back at the photo I am tempted to moan,  "Where's the atmosphere at the movies gorn? The gloved ushers and the curtains that swished back and forth and the organ coming up and going down and the roman columns and the filagree and the ice cream girl and the lights gently fading out as the feature started"  Tonight at the start they plunged us so violently into the dark there was an audible gasp from the audience and at least one person fell down the stairs.
I'll show you what I mean.

 The photos above are of the Odeon Theatre in Morecambe where I was born. These were taken in 1937. The place is a shoddy hardware store now and the pictures I took of it when there two years ago are too sad to post. I used to  go to this cinema once a week  til I was twelve. On Saturday mornings there was a kids session where we saw serials and cartoons and a main feature. There were competitions and prizes and there was a blind accordionist who played for a singalong. "Robin Hood Robin Hood Riding through the glen!"  Her guide dog snored by her chair. The big rough kids would terrorise us weaklings with filthy missiles from the back rows and the sounds of screaming and booing when Ming the Merciless appeared in the latest "Flash Gordon" episode were deafening.
But I remember one day they were screening the Shirley Temple version of "Heidi" and the place was hushed with awe as her separation from her grandfather hit home. And when the moment came where he is looking for her in the street and she is on the other side of  a wall, unknowing, the whole place, toughies and weaklings alike were standing and  yelling. "He's behind the wall! He's behind the wall"    Now that was going to the pictures.


  1. Oh my God TT you are bloody hilarious!!! I've just nearly fell of my swivel seat at work when I read about the poor soul who fell down the stairs. I think I'll have to stop reading your Blog at work because my colleagues are starting to give me strange looks and edging closer to the door. xx

  2. Same here Jodie! I'm reading at work too and my office is dead quiet. TT I'm afraid I'm a book lover more than the films, unless Alan Rickman features much? I reckon I can make an exception for him. x

  3. Jodie , 100% agree. Sally, your right about Alan Rickman there was never enough Snape!

    TT ( and Ken) , you are fast becoming part of the daily habit for us ... its so much fun to read ...dont ever stop blogging. xx
