The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Friday, September 23, 2011

a faure accident

Miss V C is a member of one of the most prestigious choirs in Seattle., The Cathedral Choir of St James, And when she told me that I might come and sit in on a rehearsal I thought that would be great. When she told me that they were doing Faure's Requiem I whooped. Cos that's the music I do my stretchies to!!  And I love it. Here is the view of the Space Tower from the top of her hill

We continued chatting and walking  towards the Cathedral when I happened to look at her shoulder bag and thought to myself it looked a bit light. "Have you got your music?"  Following a shriek that would have made Barbara Steele sound like Blossom Dearie she exploded. "Oh my god! Oh my god! He'll kill me!  The director will kill me! Oh, my god! Oh,my god! I have to go back!" She started to run towards home realising she now would be late. With fourth dimension fate a taxi pulled up and we were able to get home for the score and back to the rooms with minutes to spare. I would have been quite happy to sit and listen in the corridor outside. One of  the choristers admired my blue bowler. And then the director invited me in to sit in the tenor section and a lady handed me a score!!!  The man next to me asked if I were going to sing. I declined!  But within a few sections the old sight reading from my Anglican  choir days back in Morecambe came flooding back and I was humming along with great fervour and finding my place in the music easily whenever I got lost. At one stage Miss V C was invited to introduce me. When she mentioned the play I was winging home to do some of the singers murmured their approval. And when she uttered the star's name there was an audible gasp!!!  And then a round of applause.  She thinks her acceptability rating has shot up a few notches. The Seattle freeze is quite a potent phenomenon and in particular when directed at silly people from New York who decide to move here  The music was lovely.
And on the walk home I saw this

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