The Adventure Continues

TT in the Blue Mountains and Sheldy in New York.

Culture Shock.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I WILL: Broadway Unites in Times Square

Four days after the WTC tragedy in 2001 the Broadway community  gathered in Time Square as gesture of solidarity by singing Kander and Ebbs great anthem to the city. And ten years later the casts of most of the current shows stood in Duffy Sqaure to recreate that gesture. Sheldon spotted me at the front of the barricade

Here is the hideously ugly Nick Adams

The Mormon mob, Rory, Josh & Andrew

Godspell: Hunter Parrish in the cap, Telly Leung with camera

Bebe Neuwirth

Anything Goes and Priscilla

Sheldon and Nick rehearsing


MiG Ayesa from Rock of Ages

Spiderman  himself, Reeve Carney

Brad Oscar with Joel Grey behind

Into the number in earnest

If you blow this up Sheldon is on the extreme left on screen and that's the back of his head in real life
and here's the final result!

1 comment:

  1. That simply takes the cake!!!!
    "I want to be a part of it..." Oh, well, er, okay, I suppose so, if you really, er, must... um...
